Participation procedure


General Requirements

The XI International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology will be held from 7 to 9 October 2025. We invite the submission of original, unpublished papers on Conference topics. The deadlines for paper submitting are indicated in the Important Dates section.
The Conference has the following restrictions on the reports number: one person can be a co-author of no more than 4 papers and represent no more than 2 papers.

Instructions for Participants

Instructions for speakers:

register in the e-submission system SciDeck and fill in all the required fields;

submit an abstract through the SciDeck within the prescribed period;

- make corrections to the abstract according to the recommendations of the reviewers and the Program Committee within the prescribed period;

- receive the notification about paper acceptance;

- pass Online registration for participation in the Conference as a speaker in the SciDeck;

- pay the registration fee for each submitted paper within the prescribed period;

- details for payment of participation in the Conference will be published here later.

- present the talk at the Conference. 

To submit papers to the Conference, you should use the Templates. 

Authors have the opportunity to submit their work for publication in one of three ways:

- only abstracts in Russian or English in the local Proceedings (indexed in the RSCI);

- only the extended article in English in the IEEE Proceedings or in a journal from the partner list in accordance with the language of publication and the subject area of the journal;

- both variants (only for authors whose extended articles have been accepted).

If the authors plan to publish paper in the IEEE Proceedings (or in both Proceedings) one should be guided by the requirements for extended English versions of paper and select the appropriate types of publication when submitting an application in the SciDeck. In other case (publication only in the local Proceedings), the preparation of the paper should be guided by the requirements for abstracts.

Instructions for listeners:

- pass Online registration for participation in the Conference as a listener in the SciDeck;

- pay the registration fee for the listener within the prescribed period;

- take part in the Conference.

The Program Committee notifies that only registered participants who have paid the registration fee will receive full access to the Conference content, as well as Certificates and Diplomas. The only exceptions are participants who have a discount (for more details, see the Registration fees page).

The procedure for paying the registration fee is described in the section below.


Following the Conference, two collections of papers are published: the Local Proceedings indexed by the RSCI, and IEEE Proceedings – the English-language proceedings including the extended versions of the articles, indexed by Google Academy and Scopus, with an application for indexing in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS), which, unfortunately, is not guaranteed. The extended versions of the articles can also be published in one of the journals included in the list of the conference partners (the submission requirements for the extended versions of the articles will be sent to the authors based on the results of review and approval by the journal).

Authors have the opportunity to submit their work for publication in one of three ways:

- only abstracts in Russian or English in the local Proceedings (indexed in the RSCI);

- only the extended version in English in IEEE Proceedings or in one of the journals included in the list of the conference partners in accordance with the journal language and subject matter;

- both variants.

Please use the Conference templates when submitting the abstracts for the Conference in Russian or in English. When submitting the extended version of the article, no specific layout is required (text in one column, figures and tables are inserted into the file). It is necessary to take into account the minimum size of the article, as well as the language of the selected journal. After the approval by the reviewers, the publication of the extended version of the article will be assigned to the journal (it is possible that, based on the results of the review, the article will be assigned to another journal, different from the one indicated by the authors), and the authors will need to format the article in accordance with the requirements of the assigned journal within the established time frame.

A prerequisite for the inclusion of materials in any of the proceedings is the payment of the registration fee and the presentation of the report at the Conference by one of the authors.

Partner Journals:
1. “Computer Optics” (English-language publication, Scopus, WoS).
2. “Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering” (English-language publication, Scopus, RSCI).
3. “Avtometriya”, Russian-language publication followed by translation into English (“Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing”, Scopus, WoS).
4. “Nanotechnologies in Russia (Rossiiskie Nanotekhnologii)”, Russian-language publication followed by translation into English (“Nanobiotechnology Reports”, Scopus, WoS).
5. “Current problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space (Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa)” (Russian-language publication, Scopus, RSCI).
6. “Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics)” (English-language publication, Scopus, WoS).
7. “Information Processes” (Russian-language publication, RSCI).

Submission of abstract in local Proceedings

Submission of abstract to the local Proceedings will be done through SciDeck in the process of applying for participation in the Conference. If the authors do not plan to publish abstract in a local Proceedings, the appropriate publication type should be selected in the SciDeck system.

Requirements for abstract in the local Proceedings:

- the volume of the abstract should be 2 pages;

- the abstract should contain at least 30% of the new, never previously published material;

- the abstract should be formatted in accordance with the requirements of the template for abstracts, which will be provided by the section.

You can also use paid editorial services provided by our Partners for formatting your paper. Information on them will be posted later.

Conditions for abstract publishing in the local Proceedings (in addition to the procedure for participation as a speaker):

- submit an abstract in SciDeck within the prescribed period;

- make corrections to abstract according to the recommendations of the reviewers and the Program Committee within the prescribed period;

- receive notification of acceptance of the abstract in the local Proceedings

submit the original copies of the signed Expert Conclusion and License Agreement for publication to the Committee within the prescribed term. A prerequisite for publishing the abstract is the payment of the registration fee and the presentation of the report at the Conference by one of the authors.

To publish the Local Proceedings, the Organizing Committee needs the original copies of the Expert Conclusion and License Agreement for each article. The Expert Conclusion is drawn up at the author’s primary place of employment. The License Agreement is made in one copy and signed by all authors of the article. The authors need to download, fill in, sign and provide the License Agreements on the day of arrival during in-person registration or sent by regular mail to the address of the Organizing Committee: Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University) 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia, with a note “ITNT-2025 Organizing Committee”.

Please note that the Program Committee reserves the right to reject the abstract if:

- the deadlines and the order of abstract submission have been violated;

- the quality of the abstract does not correspond to the level of the Conference;

- the abstract has already been submitted / published in other sources;

- the abstract has significant differences from the version provided for the Conference.

- the talk is not presented at the Conference.

Submission procedure for the extended articles

Submissions of the extended version of paper will be done through SciDeck in the paper submission section, which will be automatically available to authors after registration in the system.

Article submission requirements:

- initially the article shall be prepared without any specific layout (text in one column, figures and tables are inserted into the file). It is necessary to take into account the minimum size of the article, as well as the language of the selected journal.

- article size:

1. IEEE Xplore, in English, not less than 18000-19000 characters without spaces.
2. “Computer Optics”, in English, not less than 18000-19000 characters without spaces.
3. “Journal of Biomedical Photonics & Engineering”, in English, not less than 18000-19000 characters without spaces.
4. “Optical Memory and Neural Networks (Information Optics)”, in English, not less than 18000-19000 characters without spaces.
5. “Avtometriya”, in Russian, not less than 23000-25000 characters without spaces. 
6. “Nanotechnologies in Russia (Rossiiskie Nanotekhnologii)”, in Russian, not less than 23000-25000 characters without spaces.
7. “Current problems in remote sensing of the Earth from space (Sovremennye problemy distantsionnogo zondirovaniya Zemli iz kosmosa)”, in Russian, not less than 23000-25000 characters without spaces.
8. “Information Processes”, in Russian, not less than 23000-25000 characters without spaces.

- the originality of the article - at least 70%, no more than 10% borrowing from one source;

- after the reviewers’ approval, the publication of the extended version of the article will be assigned to the journal (it is possible that, based on the results of the review, the article will be assigned to another journal, different from that indicated by the authors), and the authors will need to format the article in accordance with the requirements of the assigned journal within the established time frame.

It is also possible to use paid editorial services provided by our Partners for formatting your article. Information on them will be posted later.

Conditions for publishing the extended version of the report (in addition to the procedure of participation as a speaker):

- use SciDeck to submit the extended version of the article with the required size and in the language corresponding to the selected journal within the prescribed term;

- make corrections according to the recommendations of the reviewers and the Program Committee in due time, and format the article in accordance with the requirements of the assigned journal within the established time frame;

- receive a notification of acceptance of the extended version of the article. A prerequisite for publishing the extended version of the article is the payment of the registration fee and the presentation of the report at the Conference by one of the authors.

submit the original copies of the signed Expert Conclusion and License Agreement for publication to the Committee within the prescribed term.

To publish the Local Proceedings, the Organizing Committee needs the original copies of the Expert Conclusion and License Agreement for each article. The Expert Conclusion is drawn up at the author’s primary place of employment. The License Agreement is made in one copy and signed by all authors of the article. The License Agreement template will be available after the publication of the list of accepted works. The authors will need to download, fill in, sign and send the License Agreementsby regular mail to the address of the Organizing Committee: Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University) 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia, with a note “ITNT-2025 Organizing Committee”.

To publish the IEEE Proceedings in English, the Organizing Committee needs the License Agreements for each article, which shall be signed in electronic form on the IEEE website. For the journals from the Conference partner list, the License Agreementand Expert Conclusion from the author’s primary place of employment shall be prepared and signed for each article. The information on them will be posted later. The original copies of the License Agreement and Expert Conclusion for the extended version of the article shall be sent by regular mail to the address of the Organizing Committee: Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev (Samara University) 34, Moskovskoye shosse, Samara, 443086, Russia, with a note “ITNT-2025 Organizing Committee”.

Please note that the Program Committee reserves the right to reject the paper if:

- the deadlines and the order of paper submission have been violated;

- the quality of the paper does not correspond to the level of the Conference;

- the paper has already been submitted / published in other sources;

- the paper has significant differences from the version provided for the Conference.

- the talk is not presented at the Conference.


The scientific events of the Conference will be held in the educational building No.1 of Samara University located at 151, Molodogvardeyskaya Street, Samara.

The building is located in the historical part of the city in 3 minutes walk from Slava Square, 5 from Kuibyshev Square and 10 from Samara embankment.

Bus stops near the university are:

- Ulyanovskaya Street" with bus routes 24 and 92 on Molodogvardeyskaya Street;

- Samara Square" with tram routes 5, 15, 20k, 20 on Galaktionovskaya Street;

- Samara Square" with bus routes 2, 23, 41, 46, 47, 50 on Samarskaya Street.

About Samara

Samara is a city in the Middle Volga region of Russia, the center of the Volga Region economic region and Samara region, forms the urban district of Samara. Population - 1 169 719 people (2017), the ninth largest city in Russia in terms of population.

Samara’s time zone is UTC+4.

Yandex.maps, Google Maps or 2GIS services are available in Samara. Offline maps of Samara for smartphones is available on:

Yandex.maps (PlayMarket/AppStore)

2GIS (PlayMarket/AppStore)

MAPS.ME (PlayMarket/AppStore)

The main public transport modes in Samara are buses, trams and trolleybuses. You can use the Arrival-63 service (PlayMarket/AppStore)to plan your trip around the city.

We also recommend using the following services of taxi transportation:

- Taxi "Bravo",  +7(846)220-20-20

- Samara" taxi, +7(846)201-21-21

- Mega cab, +7(846)990-00-00

- Yandex. Taxi (PlayMarket/AppStore)

- Uber (PlayMarket/AppStore)


For information on global and national transport connections, see the section “How to get there”.



Near the conference venue are many hotels, hostels and apartments. You can find here a list of some hotels and hostels located within walking distance of the conference venue.


Ost-West Club Hotel

ул. Садовая, 210а

тел.: +7(846)230-01-00


Room from 4000 RUB

Mini-Hotel CSC BBS

Волжский проспект,10

тел.: +7(846)375-93-36


Room from 1550 RUB

Hotel Volga

Волжский Проспект, 29

тел.: +7(846)242-11-96 


Room from 2700 RUB

Hotel SamaRA

ул. Чапаевская, 201

тел.: +7(846)270-85-40 


Room from 3100 RUB

Hotel Europa

ул. Галактионовская, 171

тел.: +7(846)270-86-31


Room from 3500 RUB

Hotel Samara lux

ул. Чкалова, 90

тел.: +7(846)337-48-08


Room from 1500 RUB


Hostel Comfort

ул. Буянова, 100

тел.: +7(987)900-03-60


Room from 400 RUB

Hostel 4&4

ул. Чкалова, 44



Room from 400 RUB

To book we recommend using:


- Trivago

- 101 Отель

- Hotels in Samara

Or to address to our partners - Tour operator on business tourism of LLC NPK "Avitex" (Department of corporate service, tel. +7 (846) 27 09 777)

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