For Paticipants
Accepted Papers
The list is expected to be published according to the "important dates" schedule.
Accepted submissions
Dear participants!
Reviewing and acceptance of papers submitted on time continues. Please note that acceptance of a paper for presentation at the conference does not guarantee acceptance of the publication. Publication will be accepted after the elimination of all comments by the authors in accordance with the received review. You can track the publication status in your personal accounts in the Scideck system.
Preliminary list of accepted papers
Call for Papers
Local Template (russian version)
Local Template (english version)
Extended Template (english version)
Poster examples
Poster format – А1, orientation – horizontal.
Printout of a paper will not be accepted as a poster.
Poster example (option 1)
Poster example (option 2)
Dear participant, to send a question to the authors of the talk, please fill out the fields below and click the "Send" button. Be sure to include your full name and current email to which you want to receive an answer. In the subject line of the letter, please, indicate Section number and paper ID on which you have a question. In the message itself, write your questions to the author.
Remote Participation
Under the imposed high-alert regime caused by the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection, the VI International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2020) (hereinafter referred to as the Conference), offers a remote participation format.
In accordance with the requirements of the international non-profit association of technical specialists IEEE and the decision of the Chairman of the Organizing Committee, the following options are offered for the remote participation in the Conference:
1) for the authors of the papers accepted as oral:
• obligatory publication of video presentations on the Conference online resources (YouTube channel of the Conference);
• online discussion of papers by posting comments under the talk materials using online services (YouTube) throughout the entire duration of the Conference;
• additionally, it is possible to make a presentation in real time at the special online sessions organized on video conferencing platforms (Megafon and Zoom services);
2) for the authors of the papers accepted as poster:
• obligatory publication of the talk on the Conference online resources (Miro / YouTube) in the form of a poster / a video presentation;
• online discussion of papers by posting comments under the talk materials using online services (Miro / YouTube) throughout the entire duration of the Conference.
3) all the authors of the accepted papers shall complete the registration procedure till May 14, 2020; as part of the registration you will need to choose the presentation form, upload the short speaker’s form to the cloud service, as well as the video presentations and/or posters. An example of a video presentation and a poster will be available on the website. Additional instructions for the preparation of materials and their uploading will be sent later. Please address all the technical questions to the technical support at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
After posting materials on the Conference online resources and throughout the entire duration of ITNT-2020, the participants will be given the opportunity to address questions to the speakers:
• as part of the discussion of papers at online sessions using video conferencing platforms (Megafon and Zoom services);
• in the comments to the materials of the talks, which can be posted at the online resources of the Conference (Miro / YouTube) under the materials of the report.
We shall note that the presentation format does not affect the possibility of publishing of the extended versions of the papers in the English proceedings, however, we shall remind that presenting papers at the Conference remains an obligatory requirement for your work to be included in the English-language proceedings of the Conference indexed in Scopus and/or WoS.