Proceedings of ITNT-2018 are published

The Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2018) are published in CEUR Workshop Proceedings (Vol 1, Vol 2).

Terms of reviewing process on ITNT-2018

Based on the results of the extended paper review, the authors will receive email with acceptance notification of their paper to some additional proceedings volume. The emails are planned to be send from 10 to 15 July.

Videos of the ITNT-2018

The video of plenary talks from the IV International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2018) is available from link.

Local proceedings of ITNT-2018 are published in eLIBRARY

The Proceedings of IV International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2018) are published eLIBRARY

Photogallery of the ITNT-2018

The photos from f the IV International Conference on Information Technology and Nanotechnology (ITNT-2018) are available from links: day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4.

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