Poster Session – Section 3 "Digital Image Processing, Analysis and Pattern Recognition"
Дата проведения: 23 мая 2022 года
Время: 16:30-18:00 (Samara, GMT +4)
Группа мероприятия VK
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Также вопросы и комментарии могут быть заданы в течение всей Конференции с 23-27 мая 2022 года.
ID 26: Ilya Galaktionov, Alexander Nikitin, Julia Sheldakova, Vladimir Toporovsky, Alexis Kudryashov
Modified Fizeau interferometer with the fringes polynomial smoothing algorithm
ID 74: Mikhail Gashnikov
General Structure of a Machine Learning Method for Compression of Images
ID 75: Mikhail Gashnikov
Choosing Machine Learning Methods for Image Compression
ID 77: Rinat Diyazitdinov
Prototype of the Optical Triangulation Scanner for Shape Measurement of the Drill-pipe Joint
ID 80: Yuliya Pchelkina, Rustam Paringer, Polina Savelyeva, Marina Egorova
The Application of Image Mining Methods in Сephalometric Analisys
ID 81: Ruslan Yuzkiv, Mikhail Gashnikov
Modification of Machine Learning Algorithms for Embedding in Image Compression Methods
ID 84: Aleksey Maksimov, Mikhail Gashnikov
Generalization of Machine Learning-Based Compression Method to Hyperspectral Images
ID 87: Radik Magdeev, Galina Safina
Extraction of convex hulls of metal microstructure objects from metallographic images
ID 91: Alexander Tashlinskii, Radik Ibragimov, Galina Safina
Application of Renyi Mutual Information in Stochastic Referencing of Multispectral and Multi-temporal Images
ID 120: Anton Agafonov, Alexander Yumaganov, Vladislav Myasnikov
Adaptive Traffic Signal Control Based on Maximum Weighted Traffic Flow
ID 134: Alan Asanov, Yulia Vybornova, Victor Fedoseev
Robustness of compact vector map descriptors to map transformations
ID 138: Anton Agafonov, Evgeniya Efimenko
Comparison of Traffic Signal Control Algorithms in a Large-Scale Traffic Simulation Environment
ID 147: Yuliya Ganeeva
Comparison of methods for reconstructing intermediate video frames with a dynamic scene
ID 149: Yuliya Ganeeva, Vladislav Myasnikov
The impact of intermediate video frames reconstruction step on the result of 3D reconstruction of objects
ID 159: SergeyM. Zraenko
The effect of the integration of spectral channels and seasonal satellite images on the distinctiveness of coniferous and deciduous forests
ID 192: Alexander Yumaganov, Anton Agafonov
Vehicle trajectory planning in the problem of traffic flow control at signalized intersections
ID 196: Irina Palchikova, Evgenii Smirnov, Irina Budaeva, Igor Latyshov, Vasilii Vasilev, Aleksandr Kondakov
Hardware-software complex for compiling the gunshot damage passport
ID 200: Dmitriy Mashkov, Natalya Ilyasova, Nikita Demin
Invectigation of segmentation methods for highlighting areas of interests on lung X-rays
ID 211: Alina Bavrina, Victor Fedoseev, Dmitry Karnaukhov
Investigation of the effectiveness of the stochastic modulation method for steganographic embedding in thermal video data
ID 226: David Shapiro, Vladislav Sergeyev, Victor Fedoseev
Method of video protection using phase digital watermarks
ID 243: Veronika Prudovskaia
Recognition of Hermite-Gauss optical modes using a neural network
ID 244: Aleksei Bekhterev
Recognition of Laguerre-Gauss optical modes using convolutional neural network
ID 250: Pavel Volkov
Algorithms for hiding and extracting information in audio files
ID 302: Radik Ibragimov, Oleg Shidikov
Application of mutual information in the problem of stochastic alignment of defocused multispectral images
ID 305: Nikita Andriyanov, George Papakostas
Optimization and Benchmarking of Convolutional Networks with Quantization and OpenVINO in Baggage Image Recognition
ID 317: Viacheslav Antsiperov, Vladislav Kershner
Using Receptive Fields in Machine Learning Methods for Processing Images Represented by Samples of Random Counts
ID 327: Marina Albutova, Victor Krasheninnikov, Olga Malenova, Larisa Trubnikova, Yuliya Kuvayskova
Detection of a fork-like marker of ureaplasmosis in the image of the biological fluid facies
ID 341: Yegor Goshin, Daria Arkhipova
Sparse Representation Algorithm in the Denoising Problem in Images
ID 343: Daria Aksenova, Yegor Goshin
Types of noise in image super resolution image reconstruction
ID 366: Viacheslav Antsiperov
Generative model of image autoencoders based on receptive fields consept
ID 379: Evgenii Vasilev, Nikita Kim, Andrei Filatov, Danila Ermolaev, Ilia Mikerin
Development of a satellite data segmentation service using deep learning algorithms and the OpenVINO library
ID 295: Polupanov Dmitrii, Abdyusheva Svetlana, Garipova Alsu, Vsevolod Gallyamov
Improving neural network methods for recognizing lung lesions with coronavirus infection
ID 324: Michael Shpekin, Chingiz Mukhametshin, Alexander Semenov, Renat Salimov
High resolution orbital photogrammetry on the example of modeling selected relief elements in the Tsiolkovsky crater on the Moon
ID 350: Artyom Makovetskii, Vitaly Kober, Dmitrii Zhernov, Alexei Voronin
Neural network in the truncated point clouds registration problem