Приглашенные докладчики 2018
Prof. Sergey Sazhin
University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
Область научных интересов
Mathematical modelling of fluid dynamics, heat transfer and combustion processes in internal combustion engines. Modelling of heat and mass transfer processes in sprays. Spray formation and droplet break-up.
Тема доклада
Modelling of sprays: recent results and future challenges
Prof. Dieter Bimberg
Institute of Solid State Physics, Technical University Berlin, Germany
Область научных интересов
Growth and physics of nanostructures and nanophotonic devices, ultrahigh speed and energy efficient photonic devices for information systems, single/entangled photon emitters for quantum cryptography and ultimate nanoflash memories based on quantum dots.
Тема доклада
Nanostructures for Flying q-bits and Green Photonics
Prof. Michael Sobolewski
Polish Japanese Academy of IT, Warsaw, Poland
Область научных интересов
Network protocols and security. Distributed and autonomic computing. Knowledge representation. Intelligent network agents. Mobile computing. Information/knowledge sharing. Service-oriented programming. Object oriented programming. Interactive graphics and UIs. Concurrent engineering.
Тема доклада
Emergent Multifidelity Service Systems
Dr. Eckart Michaelsen
Fraunhofer IOSB (Research Institute for Optronics, Systems and Image Processing), Germany
Область научных интересов
Machine Learning. Image Processing. Pattern Recognition. Computer Vision. Signal, Image and Video Processing.
Тема доклада
Automation of Gestalt Perception on Remotely Sensed Data
Dr. Elena Achimova
Institute of Applied Physics, Moldova
Область научных интересов
Тема доклада
Polarization holography for direct surface grating patterning on chalcogenide nanomultilayers
Dr. David Asatryan
Russian - Armenian University, Yerevan, Armenia
Область научных интересов
Digital Signal. Image Processing.
Тема доклада
Gradient-Based Technique for Image Structural Analysis and Applications
Prof. Saikh Safiul Islam
Jamia Millia Islamia, India
Область научных интересов
Material Science, Nanoscience & Nanotechnology.
Тема доклада
Reduced graphene oxide: An wonderful material for Sensor Applications
Prof. Arthur Ernst
Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Johannes Kepler Universitat, Austria
Тема доклада
Quantum-mechanical design of complex real materials.
Dr. Lijun Zhang
Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China
Область научных интересов
Bifurcation theory. Traveling wave solutions of nonlinear differential equation. Dynamical system. Symmetries and conservation laws.
Тема доклада
Solitary wave solutions of the perturbed mKdV equation