Section 1 - Track 4
On this page, talks in the format of posters are posted. They can be viewed during the whole time of the Conference. To send your question to the authors, please follow to Miro and write your question in the comments. You can also use the feedback form on our website. Authors will answer questions using Miro comments or via email. To get manual go to Instructions (eng / rus).
Kseniya Gosteva, Sergey Degtyarev and Elizaveta Shuvatova
Optical Image Spectral Filtering Algorithms
The work is devoted to acquaintance with theoretical aspects of image processing, the study of spectral filtering methods with which you can process the original image. The bulk of the work is devoted to the study and implementation of several spectral filtering methods, such as the Fourier transform, the dark field method, and the phase contrast method. A computer program in the Octave language was developed that implements the methods in question.
V.A. Danilov
60 years of S. G. Volotovsky
The article provides a brief description of the scientific and industrial achievements of the research scientist Sergei Gennadievich Volotovsky.
V.A. Danilov
To the 75th anniversary of S. B. Odinokov
To the 75th anniversary of S. B. Odinokov.
V.O. Sokolov
To the 50th anniversary of prof.V.S. Pavelyev
To the 50th anniversary of prof. V.S. Pavelyev.
Denis Kudryashov
Tools for promoting a scientific paper on the example of the journal "Computer Optics"
Tools for promoting a scientific paper on the example of the journal "Computer Optics".
Anton Khokhlov
Modeling the image obtained by a system of vortex harmonic lenses
The possibility of obtaining images using a system based on vortex diffraction lenses is considered. A system of two vortex harmonic lenses was simulated. In the system the total intensity distribution was calculated using the Fresnel transform. The width of the point dispersion function, which is 66 μm, is obtained.
Yaroslav Skidanov
Forming an image of an object from several sources with different phase and coherence
The image of an object depends significantly on the coherence of the radiation sources and their phase relationships. This circumstance must be taken into account when forming optical images, alongside with taking into account the influence of wave front aberrations. In this paper, we study the change in the image picture of an object consisting of several closely spaced point light sources of different brightness and sizes depending on the degree of spatial coherence and phase relationships.
Pavel Khanevich and Dmitry Kuzmin
Investigation of the contact copy method for recording Bragg diffraction gratings in photothermal refractive glasses
In this article, we have considered the method of contact recording of the Bragg grating on FTR glass. There were experimentally confirmed results of modeling, showing that in addition to the formation of working directions, several parasitic gratings are also formed in the glass. The diffraction efficiency for the working direction of the striations is η = 70%.
Dmitry Kuzmin and Pavel Khanevich
Investigation of the parameters of the angular and spectral selectivity of Bragg diffraction gratings in photo-thermo-refractive glasses
This article presents the simulation results for studying the dependence of the angular and spectral selectivity on the thickness of the bulk diffraction transmitting grating, made on a new photosensitive material in FTR glass. The implementation of the coupled wave method was carried out in a Matlab environment.
Al'Bert Sultanov
Vortex optics
In this review the author presents the major works, that according to his opinion have played a historically important part in the formation and development of one of the most mysterious sections of modern optics - vortex (or singular) optics. Singular optics studies the behavior of light in the areas where there is no light - at zeros of intensity. An optical vortex that has a topological charge and an orbital angular momentum propagates in space in such a way that the energy flow corkscrews in it. Such beams have the points of phase ambiguity (singularity) where the intensity is zero (intensity zeros). The distance between two intensity zeros can be arbitrarily small and it is not limited by the diffraction limit. The topological charge of optical vortices is the most stable characteristic, which is preserved during amplitude and simple phase distortions of the beam. The research of the scientific school of academician of RAS V.A. Soyfer made a significant contribution to the formation and development of singular optics.
Vladimir Andreev
Optimal bases in optical applications
Diffraction optics tools allow you to optically implement a wide range of mathematical functions that are useful in various applications. Of particular interest are the bases that are optimal in terms of representation and transmission of optical information. At the scientific school of academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Viktor Alexandrovich Soifer, considerable attention is paid to solving problems in this area. The problems of optical multiplexing - demultiplexing of various laser beams for modal compaction of communication channels, numerical and optical implementation of the karunen-Loev decomposition to study the stability of vortex beam propagation in a medium with random fluctuations, and the use of eigenfunctions of limited optical systems for signal transmission with less distortion have been successfully solved. The results achieved in the development of new optical devices can serve as the basis for promising information technology.
S.B. Odinokov, G.I., Greisukh, G.G. Levin
Digital holography: from a mathematical idea to actual computer optics applications
The article will focus on the achievements of Soviet and Russian scientists in the development of diffraction optics and digital holography. The authors also analyze the current state of digital holography both in traditional areas related to visualization in the visible range, and by mastering new frequency ranges from x-rays to terahertz frequencies.
Valery Khonin
Modeling an optical correlator for visualizing phase objects
In this work, we performed the modeling of an optical correlator designed to visualize phase objects in order to comparatively study the effects of the Zernike filter and the vortex filter. The Zernike filter is well known in the phase contrast method, which allows you to visualize the phase of an optical object without the use of digital operations. A vortex filter is usually used to implement the Hilbert transform, similar to the differentiation operation, and allows one to obtain pseudo-relief images of a phase object. A comparative study revealed the features of each of the filters in the phase contrast problem.
Matvey Svetlov and Denis Boldyrev
Formation of random fields using the Karhunen-Loeve expansion
During the propagation of vortex laser beams in a certain optical medium, distortions arise due to random fluctuations of this optical medium. These distortions can be described by means of a random field generated on the basis of the Karhunen-Loeve decomposition, taking into account statistical characteristics, namely, the correlation function of a random field. For several types of correlation functions, the eigenfunctions of the correlation operator are calculated and their analysis is performed depending on the parameters. Research of the propagation of generated random fields using the Fresnel transform was conducted.
V.A. Danilov
Focusing DOEs (focusators): design and investigation
The article consistently analyzes the development of the physical and mathematical apparatus and the technological basis for creating laser focusers - a key element of computer optics, which has largely determined the appearance of a new scientific direction and the formation of approaches used in it. The influence of the development of methods for calculating focusers on the creation of other elements of computer optics is analyzed. Examples of effective use of focusers are given.
Alexey Porfirev, Georgy Gridin and Valentin Logachev
Investigation of properties of nonlinear spiral phase plates
We numerically and experimentally investigate the properties of nonlinear spiral phase plates (SPPs). In contrast to the conventional SPPs, nonlinear SPPs can be used for the generation of vortex non-ring light distributions. We investigate the generation of such laser beams in both the paraxial approximation and sharp focusing conditions.